Friday, March 23, 2018

Comparing Yourself To Others – A No-No!

Set the bar too high, and you’ll fail. Set the bar realistically, and you’ll succeed. But how do you do that? When you create your own set of expectations, you’re really creating personal boundaries that will eventually define your success.

Remember: Measure success by YOUR definition, not someone else’s!

To make money in the field of Internet Marketing, you must set boundaries for your expectations. Below are several suggestions.

– Don’t expect to get rich quick! You’re being tricked if you believe that you can get rich quick with any online scheme for success. Marketers may claim they have the ultimate solution to IM success. Still, if they were so successful, you can bet it took them many months or years of trial and error [and investing in how-to products that didn’t work] before they turned enough consistent sales into a full-time income that could be trusted.

– Be prepared to spend time learning about the Internet Marketing business. Whenever you enter into a new field, you need to allocate your non-working hours to reading, researching, and educating yourself before you take the first step in setting up your own online business. Do it wrong, and you’ll quit before you ever get started.

– Allocate a specific amount of money to learning. Your bank account and your credit card will be safe when you budget a specific amount of money for learning your new skills about Internet Marketing. When you have a budget, you won’t go into debt by buying every new offer that promises instant success.

– For now, don’t share your plans for Internet Marketing success with anyone! It’s not that you’re sneaky about all this; it’s because you don’t need outside influences distracting you, pressuring you for an update, or providing doubts and negative input. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

– Create a plan to follow through with your actions. When you create an Internet Marketing business, it takes perseverance, dedication, action, and determination to finish the race. Tell yourself that you won’t stop your momentum until you’ve accomplished your goals and earn a steady monthly income. IM is like anything else in life. When you want it bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it.

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?

Turbo Product Creation

Friday, March 9, 2018

The 15 Minute Rule


The 15-minute rule has been known to change peoples’ lives. It’s a simple concept, but it quickly becomes part of the IM mindset for success.

Here it is:

If you can’t overcome, solve, or resolve a challenge, an obstacle, a confrontation, or a technical glitch within 15 minutes, this is what you do. Step away from the problem and either ask for help or come back to it later.

This rule works for anyone, regardless of your area of expertise or social human status. Don’t write off the simplicity of this rule. It works!
There are unlimited examples that could be mentioned, but here’s a true-life scenario that demonstrates what happens when you don’t put the 15-minute rule to use.

Russ wasn’t a techno genius by even his own definition, but after he had paid someone to create his Internet marketing sales page before his product launch, he decided he wanted to change some of the information. He made several revisions to the content, added new content, and tried to add a photo for impact. Then following an online tutorial, he saved his changes and opened his browser expecting to see phenomenal results.

Instead of viewing an updated sales page, the header was missing, the fonts were three times bigger than previous, and the content was skewed to the right side of the page instead of being centered. So, Russ re-opened the sales page and fiddled with it some more. He repeated this process for more than two hours, and each new version was more messed up than the previous attempts to restore everything to its original state.

Now Russ was extremely frustrated and he didn’t know what to do. He had planned to launch his new product the next day, and now he didn’t even have a website that worked. His site designer lived on the other side of the world and it was hopeless for him to get the designer to help at that time of day.

If Russ would have applied the 15-minute rule, life might have looked a little more positive to him.

As he later discovered, the web designer had made a back-up file of the site and had stored it on Russ’s server. When Russ did get in contact with the designer, the original site was deployed and everything was back to normal.

That’s when Russ decided that he would either learn how to make website changes without creating havoc to his site, or he would pay someone a monthly website maintenance fee to make the changes for him. Problem solved.

The advantage of applying the 15-minute rule to every aspect of your life means that you’ll become less frustrated, you’ll be more productive, and you’ll learn how to reach out for help, when maybe before you were too proud or stubborn.

Why struggle? It just leads to more stress.

Don’t ever spend more than 15 minutes struggling with something. Stop. Walk away. Get help.

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?


Saturday, March 3, 2018

What Does Motivation Actually Mean?

The first step to self-motivation is to get out of your own way. Fear, procrastination, worry, and low self-esteem are deal-breakers for getting the motivation you need for achieving success.

While some people may argue that we’re all too crazy busy these days to constantly walk around with a calm spirit and a peaceful attitude in our hearts, there’s only one solution for getting motivated.

You have to WANT to get motivated. No other human being can make you or cause you to become motivated.

Yes, there are motivational tapes, motivational books, and even motivational coaches that you can hire to get you motivated enough to push forward. But unless you mentally and physically position yourself for achievement and success, you’ll think that it doesn’t matter.

Here’s a quick exercise to try when you want to build up your motivation.

For the next 30 minutes, think only about positive thoughts. When negative thoughts arise, think the opposite. Next, focus on whatever words come out of your mouth. Are they positive words? The mouth speaks what’s in the heart. What’s in your heart today? Speak it and think about it, and it will be so.

If you want success, tell yourself that you’re already successful. If you want success, speak as if you ALREADY have it. But you have to believe it!

Just like the opposite of telling lies, when you speak truth and success into your life, you’ll begin to believe it. Then you’ll begin to act like it already exists. Then you’ll achieve it.

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Pefection Keeps You Broke


“I want to do it right the first time!”

“I don’t have the knowledge right now. When I learn how to do it, then I’ll create my site.”

“I can’t afford the automated tools to run my site and business right now. When I save up enough money, then I’ll…”

“I have to write the content before I can launch my website.”

“I don’t know how to do keyword research, so I can’t buy a domain name yet.”

“I have to learn about SEO, autoresponders, backlinks, creating traffic, and setting up a WordPress blog before I can launch my business.”

“I need to buy more books about starting my Internet Marketing business, so I can learn how other people did it.”

If you’ve made any of the previous statements, then most likely, you’re taking too long to reach your dream destination of owning an online business.

Yes, maybe you’ve visited sites that still have Latin words on them or links that haven’t been linked to anything, but guess what? The person took action. They did something positive. They started.

They figured they had nothing to lose by setting up a Blogger blog, or a Squidoo page, or any other totally free social marketing page just to get started.

Were they doing it right? Did they have all the tools in place and everything?

Probably not, but it didn’t matter because they weren’t perfectionists, and they didn’t know any better. They just tried something, and maybe they even made money at it.

The best part is that when you stay with something long enough and build one big site rather than create 5-10 different niche market sites every week, you will eventually make sales.

However, technology is changing faster than it did 10 years ago. If you don’t jump in and at least get your feet wet, then how will you live your dream?

Again, it’s all about your mindset. When you think you can do something, and before you convince yourself that you can’t, just put one technique into action.

If you don’t have a lot of disposable money right now, then choose an Internet Marketing option for less than $20 just to get started.

Maybe you can even find two revenue sources by spending $10 each. Just take one of those methods and follow it through. Don’t stop until you complete one task.

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?

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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Fear Is Just A 4-Letter Word

Are you afraid of failure, or are you afraid of success? Have you been known to chase after every shiny object that promises to bring you a successful income while you’re living someone else’s dream? Are you afraid of getting started because maybe you won’t finish?
Fear can paralyze you. To eliminate fear, you must denounce its existence.

Sometimes Internet Marketers find that it’s easier to spend time analyzing, researching, experimenting with, and talking about what they’re ―going to do‖ than actually doing it.

Below are several examples of fear that stop Internet Marketers from succeeding. See if you recognize yourself in any of these situations.
I have a fear of starting. There are so many products to promote. Do I create my own product or promote someone else’s? I can’t decide.
I have a fear of failing. Just because all these other people claim to be making money, what if I spend months and years of my precious free time and invest thousands of dollars, but it doesn’t work? I don’t want to fail.

I just can’t seem to take action with anything that I buy! The offers sound too good to resist, so I buy the book, the report, the software, the tools, and I sign up for the coaching and Webinars. I’m not afraid of doing that. But at the end of the year, I have not taken action. Therefore, I’ve not made any money in Internet Marketing. What’s stopping me from taking action?

I have a fear that my family will get upset with me spending so much time away from them while I’m building my online business. We’re getting deeper into debt, and I keep thinking that if I could find the magic elixir that would guarantee my online success, we won’t have to struggle financially anymore. But if I spent one more hour away from my family, responsibilities, and friends, I couldn’t deal with their frustration and disappointed reactions.

I fear a change in any form. I like an organized and time-efficient life. I’m afraid that if I start working for myself, I’ll lose my focus, and then I’ll break again. Why do I fear change and shoot myself in the foot before I’ve even started?

Some people spend years in fear. When they change their mindsets and see the positive results, they never want to go back to those old feelings. To conquer fear, you must move through it and not let it hold you captive.

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?

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